domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2009


La princesa esta triste. Que tendra la princesa?
Los suspiros se escapan de su boca de fresa,
que ha perdido la risa, que ha perdido el color.
La princesa esta palida en su silla de oro,
esta mudo el teclado de su clave sonoro;
y en un vaso, olvidada, se desmaya una flor.

El jardin puebla el triunfo de los pavos reales.
Parlanchina, la duena dice cosas banales,
y, vestido de rojo, piruetea el bufon.
La princesa no rie, la princesa no siente.
La princesa persigue por el cielo de Oriente
la libélula vaga de una vaga ilusión.

Piensa acaso en el principe de Golconda o de China,
o en el que detenido su carroza argentina
para ver de sus ojos la dulzura de luz?
O en el rey de las Islas de las Rosas fragantes,
o en el que es soberano de los claros diamantes,
o en el dueno orgulloso de las perlas de Ormuz?

Ay! La pobre princesa de la boca de rosa
quiere ser golondrina, quiere ser mariposa,
tener alas ligeras, bajo en cielo volar,
ir al sol por la escala luminosa de un rayo,
saludar a los lirios con los versos de mayo,
o perderse en el viento sobre el trueno del mar

Rubén Dario

miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2009

Das neves got owned bad

todos conocen a Das Neves, no?, es el gobernador de Chubut, se hacía pasar por abogado, hace no tanto tuvo aclaró que solo hizo el 80% de la carrera, porque ya se había filtrado el dato de que no se había recibido. Hoy en día es una de las personas que se perfila para ser candidato a la presidencia de la nación en 2011...
So... hoy en la radio escuché un dato curioso sobre el Señor Das Neves, aparentemente, un articulo publicado en la sección Opinión del diario La nación, firmado por el señor Das Neves, es una copia casi exacta de uno publicado anteriormente en un blog...; ante las acusaciones, Das Neves respondió que fue culpa de uno de sus asesores, quien, aparentemente, le dio el articulo hecho. Ahora..., el mogólico este le hecha la culpa al asesor y el queda peor!, no solo dice que su asesor se copio, está diciendo que publicó el articulo de su asesor con su nombre!!!, dice que no hace su trabajo y ni siquiera se toma el mínimo trabajo de checkear lo que escribió su asesor. Y ESTE FLACO QUIERE SER PRESIDENTE!... GOD!... odio a nuestros dirigentes...

sábado, 3 de octubre de 2009


Estaba muy aburrido el sabado a la noche asi que me grabé mientras tocaba sobre la pista :P, aunque no se escuche NADA mi guitarra, i am playing it, belive me, please do :P jajaja

martes, 8 de septiembre de 2009

Life strip

Today was like living a cartoon, i spent last night studying macroeconomics because i had a little test this morning..., i ended up sleeping at like... 4.40? and i needed to be up at at least 7.50 to make it in time to the uni... i got up too see it was 8.40... so i started cursing at open air and then got back to sleep till it was time to go for the next class...

jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2009

Meat and Potatoes XD

this song is hilarious XD:


My baby came to me lately
'Honey, please don't take this bad, but maybe
When you laid me
Could we try to spice it up?'

I looked across the table
First to see if she was joking
No joke
There was no flicker
Just a girl who wanted more

Than meat and potatoes
She may stop at whips and chains
She needs carousal
More arousal
A bit of pain

So we started by using handcuffs
We tried a can of cold whipped cream
I was allergic to so much dairy
She had to finish it all by herself

Then I slapped her
She wasn't expecting
So she hit me back
She friggin' cracked me
I got a nose bleed
She was angry
She wanted more

Than mean and potatoes
She may stop at pumps and drains!
She needs carousal
More arousal
A bit of pain

Invite the neighbours
Or total strangers
Give yourself a leg up, honey
Wear 'The Queen' mask
Put on the French basque
It's full of handy holes
If we're going to use them all
We're going to need more than

Meat and potatoes!
She may draw the line at dolls and freaks
She needs some abusing
Some amusement
To get through the week

'I know you respect me
You won't reject me
And the arrow of our love is straight and true'

i hate this

While reading please listen to the song i posted :P, it's the first of satie's trois morceaux en forme de poire :) i used to play it on piano a long long time ago

i hate this:

If there's something that i really, but i mean, REALLY hate..., is getting existencialistic, thinking one day i won't be here and i wont be able to feel, hear, sing, touch, love and be loved... it scares the shit out of me...
Is there a god? hope there is one, i can't be sure of any of that, i envy those who's faith is so strong that they don't care about death at all, at least not about their's... i just know i'm here and someday i won't be here in the same manner i am...
So... whenever i begin thinking this sort of think i become breathless and i can't be still, if i was a smoker i'd sure light a cigarrette (yeah, even when breathless, they use it to stress out, don't they? :P). I just feel like Sisyphus going up that hill again, knowing no hope awaits on the other side of the mountain and knowing the rock will still fall...
I can't really shake that feeling of desperation, the only things that sort of calm me down is watching tv, listening to music or talking with anyone about anything...

Enough whining for today...

lunes, 31 de agosto de 2009


Dios santo, no pueden ser mas inútiles, algún flaco les mandó a los de c5n en joda la formula del grog (una bebida alcohólica de un juego de computadoras muy famoso y de mis favoritos, el monkey island) diciendo que lo tomaban en los prebo y estos mogólicos lo sacaron al aire..., por favor, mírenlo y sientan vergüenza ajena...


miércoles, 26 de agosto de 2009

So i'm gonna... cry you a river...

So..., i'm blue, and it so happens that when i'm blue i don't wanna be anything other than blue, it's not that i like it, it's that i simply feel that feeling happy now would be lying to myself, that why i hate to be sad around people, i don't like to tell them whatever is happening to me, they start trying to cheer me up and that really doesn't help at all...

I simply lie down listening to the sadest songs i can find*, such as the one i posted..., and i begin this feedback loop of sadness, looking to remain sad till the reason of my sadness is, fortunately, solved, but when i can't solve it... i begin rottening inside. It's really awful, like a stain you can't clean, i keep thinking, looking for an answer for salvation, but i can't simply get to it...

I fucking make things so complicated..., i wish i could be a regular guy..., not a coward..., cause i belive that's the word that best describes me, COWARD; asshole, evil and selfinterested wouldn't be so off the track...
Sometimes i just want to be hit by a car and be in a coma for a couple of years... just to see what happens in those years...

bah, i'm just babbling...

PS: i lied, the real reason why i don't want to be happy while i'm blue... is cause i belive that i deserve this sadness..., being happy would mean that i don't care about what seemed to make me sad in the first place...
I don't know if i got myself explained here..., but it doesn't matter, i'm blue anyway... and will keep on being blue...

*Kids, don't do this at home, it's really painful

martes, 25 de agosto de 2009

Lotte koara no machi!

I love this cookies, my brother always gets me some when he goes to the japanese garden here in BA :).
They are koala shaped and each cookie has a koala doing something different, like singing, playing a drum, writing, or just smiling. They are reeeally cute, sometimes i feel guilty when eating them, but then i remember that they are filled with chocolate ^-^.

French Navy ♥

lunes, 24 de agosto de 2009

Monday Coffee

Today i had only one class, so i had a lot of time to kill
I went on a long walk, through the plaza san martín as usual, and then through quintana av., till I ended up in a cafe called josephina's drinking a coffee and a medialuna, i made a little sketch of the scene, it was already night when i was there.
The weird shiny thingy in the middle is a star that i could see from where i was, she kept me company :).

Me quedé mucho rato escuchando esta cancion de The Magic Numbers, you should listen to it!

PS: i know that the drawing is kind of ugly and the perspective doesn't make sense at all, but i like it anyway :P

domingo, 23 de agosto de 2009

sundays aren't useful at all

Sundays just kill my motivation, i spent the entire day doing nothing, i just sat, readin some manga on the internet and playing the guitar all day long... i wanted to go walk for a while but the sunday lazyness got to me... then i said, let's finish this macroeconomics paper that's due tomorrow!, but sunday lazyness won again... DAMN YOU SUNDAYS!!! DAMN YOU ALL!!!, YEAH, EVEN ICE-CREAMS!!!!!!


got a little carried away :P, i suppose i'll have to wait till it's past midnight to get to work on the paper...

Be seeing you people

sábado, 22 de agosto de 2009

Feeling retro

I've been veeery curious about vinyl records for quite some time, but never really got into it till recently. I decided to build myself a collection of my favourite and most significant bands records.
Even though i still don't have the LP player i need to listen to them my mom had an old Winco; i left it to get repaired and now i'm looking to buy myself a technics mk1200 :).
My collection up to now is as follows (order from up to down and left to right):
  • Phil Collins - Don't you lose my number (Maxi Single)
  • Camera Obscura - My Maudlin Career
  • God Help The Girl
  • Pink Floyd - Darkside of the Moon
  • Belle and Sebastian - Dear Catastrophe Waitress
  • Dream Theater - Black Clouds and Silver Linings
  • The Magic Numbers - Undecided (10'')
  • Arctic Monkeys - Fluorescent Adolescence (10'')
  • The Beatles - All you need is Love (single 7'')
  • The Beatles - Straberry fields forever (single 7'')
  • God Help The Girl - Come Monday Night (single 7'')
  • God Help The Girl - Funny Little Frog (single 7'')
  • The Magic Numbers - She don't love me like you (picture disc single 7'')
  • Belle and Sebastian - I'm Waking Up To Us
Besides from these, i'm waiting for Belle and sebastian - If you're feeling sinister and for the magic numbers - I see you, you see me red coloured 7'' to get home by mail...

Yeah, i'm materialistic, but i love having this stuff, i will share it only with my solitude moments and i would REALLY love to share it with a particular person who i don't think i'll ever be able to :P. (this was one of the reasons i decided to begin this collection).
I also bought a couple of boxes to put a couple of college stuff from past semesters, i belive they are cute.

So long for now!
(i should update this shit more often..., with better material... :P)

jueves, 23 de julio de 2009

Back in town

I've been gone this last five days, i went to Calafate, a little city located really close to a lot of glaciers, The perito moreno being the most famous of them.
It's not the first time i went there but it was the first time i travelled with no other "adult", i had fun.
Not only the trip was great but today i got the belle and sebastian single "funny little frog" in japanese edition (the only one i could find, for reals..., not that i complain), so, all in all, it's been a great week :D. I'll splash out more info about my trip experience on another day...

martes, 14 de julio de 2009

Walking By...

You know, i enjoy a lot wandering by Buenos Aires, with every step i take i feel like i'm claiming that this is my home, i own buenos aires and she owns me. I feel love feeling like a part of it's history, i know it's silly, nationalism is silly, it's sort of like religion i think..., you know that it has been created by mankind to have a control over the masses and to solve certain questions, but you still can't shake that feeling of belonging to it...

Ok, enough of philosophy, yesterday i went to my favorite park in bs as, the "Plaza San Martín" and took a couple of pictures, the building you see above is Called Kavanagh Building, it's a racionalistic and art deco style building that gets it's name from her former owner, Corina Kavanagh. This is one of the most emblematic buildings of the city, by the time it was built (1930's) it was latin america's tallest concrete tower.

Nevermind that, the reason i'm posting the picture i took from my walking through the park is to tell the story behind the building.

I've heard the story several times from diferent people and certain details tend not to match, but they are minimal.

It's goes like this. The Kavanagh family was one of the wealthier families in Argentina, but they did not hold an aristocratic position (in argentina no noble titles are recognized, but still, there are certain "historic" names), on the other side, the Anchorena family belonged to both groups, so when one of Corina's daugthers (this is where it gets tricky, i don't know if it's a daughter of Corina or the actual Corina) falls in love with one of the Anchorena's heirs, they deny to give their concent to such a relationship.
Now, The Anchorena Family lived in a palace now known as Palacio San Martin, right across the Plaza San Martín, and they had build a chapel right on the other side of the park, so they could see it from their home. It is said that Corina's fury was such that she sold all of her properties in order to finance the construction of this building. The objective was to block the chapel and kind of get even with the Anchorena family.
I think it's a cool story to decoure this magnificent building :).

BTW, you can see the chappel in the picture above, it's the one that's a little bit to the left from the building, it doesn't look that great in the picture, but it's a gorgeous church.

And if i left you wondering or mad about my nationalism comparison to religion, i'm not atheist, i am christian, i just don't belive everything as it's told, i can belive participation from god, but human corruption is undeniable, so i hold my thoughts on how religion is used as an organization, perhaps i should have been more clear about that earlier :P.

Be seeing ya!

lunes, 13 de julio de 2009

Camera Obscura

I'm shocked, i just came by with this AWESOME band, Camera Obscura, thank god internet, if it didn't exist i wouldn't know this band nor a lot other bands that i love, specially belle and sebastian.
My fanatism for belle and sebastian and now this band has made me curious about more Glasgow bands, but i will wait a bit to begin listening to them, i'm sincerely HAPPY to have found this band, it's so lovely, so nice, so beautiful..., gotta love scotland :).
Now i know that hanging out so late in the night in the computer might actually bring something nice :D YAY! :D:D:D:D

PD: by the way, if anyone reads this blog, he might have realised the switch of language, i just figured most people in the blogging universe speak english, so i said to myself that if i ever wanted to have some kind of an audience, i might as well write it in english, but i dunno if every entry will be in english :P. sorry if i misspell a lot, i'm too lazy to check...

jueves, 9 de julio de 2009

Gripe A

Estas son las herramientas que me permitirán sobrevivir a la susodicha pandemia, con todo el mundo paranoico ya nadie quiere acompañarte a hacer nada y te quedas embolado, entonces yo me quedo escuchando musica y leyendo. Aprovecho que estoy re emocionado con el nuevo proyecto de Stuart Murdoch (el de Belle and Sebastian), God Help The Girl, y lo escucho todo el día mientras leo Fausto o a veces dibujo, y aun en mis arranques suicidas de querer salir a caminar, porque viste, si salis te contagias y te morís, es terrible :O, aun en esos momentos de caminar por la calle me pongo a escuchar God Help The Girl, si pueden bajarse el cd, si alguien lee este blog, debería bajarse ese cd :P, o al menos escuchar los siguientes temas: I just want your Jeans, Funny Little Frog (que está el video en youtube, como el de la cancion que pongo ahora), Come monday Night, Perfection as a helper y God Help The girl. :D

I don't want comitment, i don't want the drama, i Just want your jeans (8)

domingo, 28 de junio de 2009

La vida

Es difícil la vida..., siempre llego a este punto en el que la vida me satura, siento que no tengo control, que cuestiono mis decisiones pasadas, si estoy con quien debería estar, si estuvo bien aquello que hice en aquel lugar en aquel momento...
No soy alguien que destaque por sus logros, solo mi inteligencia y mi apariencia en ocasiones han logrado hacerme destacar un poco, pero la inteligencia y la apariencia desaparecen, se van con el tiempo, los logros son eternos..., por eso..., siento que no perduraré en esta sociedad de gente cada vez mas olvidadiza y de héroes cada vez más inventados.
En este momento..., siento que me gustaría ver a cierta gente que no puedo ver, porque no quiere verme, porque otra gente no quiere que la vea..., y porque es imposible verla en este momento..., no pierdo las esperanzas de que el futuro cruce nuestros caminos de nuevo y que sea en un momento donde nosotros ya hayamos cambiado lo suficiente como para que las asperezas del presente ya se hayan lijado, pero sigamos siendo en si las mismas personas...
Me gustaría que el humano fuera capaz de perdonar más..., yo incluido..., quisiera poder perdonar ciertas cosas y me gustaría poder ser perdonado por ciertas otras..., pero no se si lo merezco...
a veces..., ciertamente... me odio