lunes, 31 de agosto de 2009


Dios santo, no pueden ser mas inútiles, algún flaco les mandó a los de c5n en joda la formula del grog (una bebida alcohólica de un juego de computadoras muy famoso y de mis favoritos, el monkey island) diciendo que lo tomaban en los prebo y estos mogólicos lo sacaron al aire..., por favor, mírenlo y sientan vergüenza ajena...


miércoles, 26 de agosto de 2009

So i'm gonna... cry you a river...

So..., i'm blue, and it so happens that when i'm blue i don't wanna be anything other than blue, it's not that i like it, it's that i simply feel that feeling happy now would be lying to myself, that why i hate to be sad around people, i don't like to tell them whatever is happening to me, they start trying to cheer me up and that really doesn't help at all...

I simply lie down listening to the sadest songs i can find*, such as the one i posted..., and i begin this feedback loop of sadness, looking to remain sad till the reason of my sadness is, fortunately, solved, but when i can't solve it... i begin rottening inside. It's really awful, like a stain you can't clean, i keep thinking, looking for an answer for salvation, but i can't simply get to it...

I fucking make things so complicated..., i wish i could be a regular guy..., not a coward..., cause i belive that's the word that best describes me, COWARD; asshole, evil and selfinterested wouldn't be so off the track...
Sometimes i just want to be hit by a car and be in a coma for a couple of years... just to see what happens in those years...

bah, i'm just babbling...

PS: i lied, the real reason why i don't want to be happy while i'm blue... is cause i belive that i deserve this sadness..., being happy would mean that i don't care about what seemed to make me sad in the first place...
I don't know if i got myself explained here..., but it doesn't matter, i'm blue anyway... and will keep on being blue...

*Kids, don't do this at home, it's really painful

martes, 25 de agosto de 2009

Lotte koara no machi!

I love this cookies, my brother always gets me some when he goes to the japanese garden here in BA :).
They are koala shaped and each cookie has a koala doing something different, like singing, playing a drum, writing, or just smiling. They are reeeally cute, sometimes i feel guilty when eating them, but then i remember that they are filled with chocolate ^-^.

French Navy ♥

lunes, 24 de agosto de 2009

Monday Coffee

Today i had only one class, so i had a lot of time to kill
I went on a long walk, through the plaza san martín as usual, and then through quintana av., till I ended up in a cafe called josephina's drinking a coffee and a medialuna, i made a little sketch of the scene, it was already night when i was there.
The weird shiny thingy in the middle is a star that i could see from where i was, she kept me company :).

Me quedé mucho rato escuchando esta cancion de The Magic Numbers, you should listen to it!

PS: i know that the drawing is kind of ugly and the perspective doesn't make sense at all, but i like it anyway :P

domingo, 23 de agosto de 2009

sundays aren't useful at all

Sundays just kill my motivation, i spent the entire day doing nothing, i just sat, readin some manga on the internet and playing the guitar all day long... i wanted to go walk for a while but the sunday lazyness got to me... then i said, let's finish this macroeconomics paper that's due tomorrow!, but sunday lazyness won again... DAMN YOU SUNDAYS!!! DAMN YOU ALL!!!, YEAH, EVEN ICE-CREAMS!!!!!!


got a little carried away :P, i suppose i'll have to wait till it's past midnight to get to work on the paper...

Be seeing you people

sábado, 22 de agosto de 2009

Feeling retro

I've been veeery curious about vinyl records for quite some time, but never really got into it till recently. I decided to build myself a collection of my favourite and most significant bands records.
Even though i still don't have the LP player i need to listen to them my mom had an old Winco; i left it to get repaired and now i'm looking to buy myself a technics mk1200 :).
My collection up to now is as follows (order from up to down and left to right):
  • Phil Collins - Don't you lose my number (Maxi Single)
  • Camera Obscura - My Maudlin Career
  • God Help The Girl
  • Pink Floyd - Darkside of the Moon
  • Belle and Sebastian - Dear Catastrophe Waitress
  • Dream Theater - Black Clouds and Silver Linings
  • The Magic Numbers - Undecided (10'')
  • Arctic Monkeys - Fluorescent Adolescence (10'')
  • The Beatles - All you need is Love (single 7'')
  • The Beatles - Straberry fields forever (single 7'')
  • God Help The Girl - Come Monday Night (single 7'')
  • God Help The Girl - Funny Little Frog (single 7'')
  • The Magic Numbers - She don't love me like you (picture disc single 7'')
  • Belle and Sebastian - I'm Waking Up To Us
Besides from these, i'm waiting for Belle and sebastian - If you're feeling sinister and for the magic numbers - I see you, you see me red coloured 7'' to get home by mail...

Yeah, i'm materialistic, but i love having this stuff, i will share it only with my solitude moments and i would REALLY love to share it with a particular person who i don't think i'll ever be able to :P. (this was one of the reasons i decided to begin this collection).
I also bought a couple of boxes to put a couple of college stuff from past semesters, i belive they are cute.

So long for now!
(i should update this shit more often..., with better material... :P)